About Us

Darma Resolutions Academy
Our Experts

Ayce Ozerdem started her career as a journalist and broadcaster. Her presence in Turkish media was significant; she had written several books and produced documentaries on public issues.
As part of her postgraduate study, she specialized in conflict resolution and peace journalism. Having completed her Master’s Degree in Conflict Resolution Program, she has engaged in a wide range of peace journalism activities over the last few years.
She has taken an active role in conflict resolution processes for different civil society organizations, particularly in community relations over gender and youth-related programs. She acted as a mediator and facilitator in various dialogue sessions between governmental authorities and civil society organizations.
After moving to the United States in 2019, she completed a Mediation in the VA Courts and Judicial Overview Course.
She was certified as a Mediator for the Commonwealth of Virginia Courts at George Mason University.
She is also a member of the Virginia Mediators Network and Conflict Resolution Professionals.
Ayce is a member of the Virginia Mediation Network Board of Directors and Chair of the Communication Committee.